Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Honey bees and Einstein

Species die-off. Happening to honey bees now too.
I read that, too. You know, someone has a theory that CCD is caused by ...

Colony collapse disorder. The bees go out, look for pollen but just don't return.
And the bees waiting for the waggle dance get disappointed?

It's no joke. Hives in the United States, in Europe, have lost 60 to 70 percent of their bees. Some researchers reckon, get this, that cell phones are to blame.

on! Cell phones? Hoax again! Conspiracy theory!
Listen, there are studies which show that bees are still going out to look for pollen, but never making it back home again. This happens wherever there are cell phone towers. The radiation interferes with the bees' navigation systems and m
ost never make it back.
So honey will be off the menu from... well when?
That's only the beginning. Bees pollinate crops. I read somewhere that Einstein said that if bees disappeared, man would have only only four years left on this planet.

Whoa! Wait a second. Where's the source for that? Let me google it.... Look, I can't find anything in Einstein quotes about bees. Lots on physics. no bees.
Still, if all the bees disappeared, it wouldn't be a good thing.
With you on that. Einstein or no. Like what the Easter Islanders did to Easter Island.
Sort of, except that their statues were a bit prettier than cell phone towers.

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